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Whenever possible we take decisions bearing the most durable consequences in mind. However, before pointing our finger to others and laying down the rules, we had a good look at what instant changes we could contribute ourselves.

Studying our electricity usage we rapidly discovered that we were consuming an awful lot of (non) renewable energy. A quick decision was made and within 2 months we realised the installation of solar panels on the office and warehouse rooftop. The solar panels now provide 2/3 of renewable energy. We also had special sunscreens fitted that keep the indoor temperature down in summertime.

Our next step was to follow up on our suppliers and to take a closer look at what their corporate (social) responsibility actually entailed. As you can read under the news items, we are currently studying in depth the local working conditions (e.g. on child labor, housing, wages, medical care, ..) but also the use of pesticides, water supply and purification systems and waste treatment. And in general, what direct actions are undertaken by our suppliers in preserving the natural resources.

The value of corporate (social) responsibility, i.e. sustainability, is twofold. On the one hand, the supplier has more security, enabling him to develop a long-term planning. Due to long-term planning the supplier can work out a rotation system so that the soil retains its natural resources and is not depleted, creating a continuity of good crop. On the other hand, the buyer benefits of this continuity that leads to less
extreme fluctuations in both supply and price.It is the end-goal and result that create
long-term continuity. Therefore our preferences go out to suppliers who have taken it
on board to preserve and guard their local natural resources.